Petting Zoo Async Vector Environment¶
Class for vectorizing pettingzoo parallel environments, for both custom and default pettingzoo parallel environments.
# Default pettingzoo environment
from agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env import AsyncPettingZooVecEnv
from pettingzoo.mpe import simple_speaker_listener_v4
num_envs = 4
env = simple_speaker_listener_v4.parallel_env()
vec_env = AsyncPettingZooVecEnv([lambda : env for _ in range(num_envs)])
observations, infos = vec_env.reset()
for step in range(25):
actions = {
agent: [vec_env.single_action_space(agent).sample() for n in range(num_envs)]
for agent in vec_env.agents
observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = vec_env.step(actions)
# Custom pettingzoo environment
from agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env import AsyncPettingZooVecEnv
env = CustomEnv()
num_envs = 4
AsyncPettingZooVecEnv([lambda : env for _ in range(num_envs)])
observations, infos = vec_env.reset()
for step in range(25):
actions = {
agent: [vec_env.single_action_space(agent).sample() for n in range(num_envs)]
for agent in vec_env.agents
observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = vec_env.step(actions)
- class agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env.AsyncPettingZooVecEnv(env_fns, experience_spec=None, copy=True, context=None)¶
Vectorized PettingZoo environment that runs multiple environments in parallel
- Parameters:
- call(name, *args, **kwargs)¶
Call a method from each parallel environment with args and kwargs.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the method or property to call
*args –
Position arguments to apply to the method call.
**kwargs –
Keyword arguments to apply to the method call.
- call_async(name, *args, **kwargs)¶
Calls the method with name asynchronously and apply args and kwargs to the method.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the method or property to call
*args –
Position arguments to apply to the method call.
**kwargs –
Keyword arguments to apply to the method call.
- call_wait(timeout=None)¶
Calls all parent pipes and waits for the results.
- Parameters:
timeout (int | float | None, optional) – Number of seconds before the call to
times out. IfNone
(default), the call tocall_wait()
never times out, defaults to 0
- close_extras(timeout=None, terminate=False)¶
Close the environments & clean up the extra resources (processes and pipes).
- Parameters:
timeout (int | float | None, optional) – Number of seconds before the call to
times out. IfNone
, the call toclose()
never times out. If the call toclose()
times out, then all processes are terminated, defaults to 0terminate (bool, optional) – If
, then theclose()
operation is forced and all processes are terminated, defaults to False
- get_attr(name)¶
Get a property from each parallel environment.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of property to get from each individual environment
- render()¶
Returns the rendered frames from the parallel environments.
- reset(*, seed=None, options=None)¶
Reset all the environments and return two dictionaries of batched observations and infos.
- reset_async(seed=None, options=None)¶
Send calls to the
methods of the sub-environments.To get the results of these calls, you may invoke
- reset_wait(timeout=None)¶
Waits for the calls triggered by
to finish and returns the results.
- set_attr(name, values)¶
Sets an attribute of the sub-environments.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the property to be set in each individual environment.
values (list[Any] | tuple[Any] | object) – Values of the property to be set to. If
is a list or tuple, then it corresponds to the values for each individual environment, otherwise a single value is set for all environments.
- step_async(actions)¶
Tell all the environments to start taking a step with the given actions. Call step_wait() to get the results of the step. You should not call this if a step_async run is already pending.
- class agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env.AsyncState(value)¶
The AsyncVectorEnv possible states given the different actions.
- class agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env.PettingZooExperienceSpec(num_envs)¶
Class for formatting experiences when being returned by a vectorized environment
- Parameters:
num_envs (int) – Number of environments to vectorize
- class agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env.Observations(shared_memory, exp_spec, num_envs)¶
Class for storing observations with a dictionary interface
- Parameters:
shared_memory (multiprocessing.RawArray) – A RawArray that all envs write observations to.
exp_spec (agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env.PettingZooExperienceSpec) – Experience specification
num_envs (int) – Number of environments
Class to hold the shared memory object that each of the subprocesses will write their observation to.
- Parameters:
num_envs (int) – Number of environments to vectorize
exp_spec (PettingZooExperienceSpec) – Experience specification
context (BaseContext) – Multiprocessing context
- agilerl.vector.pz_async_vec_env._async_worker(index, env_fn, pipe, parent_pipe, shared_memory, error_queue, observation_shapes, observation_widths, observation_dtypes, agents)¶
- Parameters:
index (int) – Subprocess index
env_fn (callable) – Function to call environment
pipe (Connection) – Child pipe object for sending data to the main process
parent_pipe (Connection) – Parent pipe object
shared_memory (List[multiprocessing.Array]) – List of shared memories.
error_queue (mp.Queue) – Queue object for collecting subprocess errors to communicate back to the main process
observation_shapes (Dict[str, Tuple[int]]) – Shapes of observations
observation_widths (Dict[str, int]) – Flattened observation widths
observation_dtypes (Dict[str, np.dtype]) – Observation dtypes
agents (str) – Sub-agent names