Lunar Lander with TD3#

In this tutorial, we will be training and optimising the hyperparameters of a population of TD3 agents to beat the Gymnasium continuous lunar lander environment. AgileRL is a deep reinforcement learning library, focussed on improving the RL training process through evolutionary hyperparameter optimisation (HPO), which has resulted in upto 10x faster HPO compared to other popular deep RL libraries. Check out the AgileRL github repository for more information about the library.

To complete the lunar lander environment, the agent must learn to fire the engine left, right, up, or not at all to safely navigate the lander to the landing pad without crashing.


Figure 1: Completed Lunar Lander environment using an AgileRL TD3 agent#

TD3 Overview#

TD3 (twin-delayed deep deterministic policy gradient) is an off-policy actor-critic algorithm used to estimate the optimal policy function, which determines what actions an agent should take given the observed state of the environment. The agent does this by using a policy network (actor) to determine actions given a particular state and then a value network (critic) to estimate the Q-value of the state-action pairs determined by the policy network (actor). TD3 improves upon DDPG (deep deterministic policy gradient) to reduce overestimation bias by doing the following:

  • Using two Q networks (critics) and selecting the minimum Q-value

  • Updating the policy network less frequently than the Q network

  • Adding noise to actions used to estimate the target Q value


Author: Michael Pratt
License: MIT License
import os

import imageio
import numpy as np
import torch
from agilerl.algorithms.td3 import TD3
from agilerl.components.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
from agilerl.hpo.mutation import Mutations
from agilerl.hpo.tournament import TournamentSelection
from import train
from agilerl.utils.utils import (
from tqdm import trange

import gymnasium as gym

Defining Hyperparameters#

Before we commence training, it’s easiest to define all of our hyperparameters in one dictionary. Below is an example of such for the TD3 algorithm. Additionally, we also define a mutations parameters dictionary, in which we determine what mutations we want to happen, to what extent we want these mutations to occur, and what RL hyperparameters we want to tune. Additionally, we also define our upper and lower limits for these hyperparameters to define search spaces.

# Initial hyperparameters
    "ALGO": "TD3",
    "POP_SIZE": 4,  # Population size
    "BATCH_SIZE": 128,  # Batch size
    "LR_ACTOR": 0.0001,  # Actor learning rate
    "LR_CRITIC": 0.001,  # Critic learning rate
    "GAMMA": 0.99,  # Discount factor
    "MEMORY_SIZE": 100_000,  # Max memory buffer size
    "POLICY_FREQ": 2,  # Policy network update frequency
    "LEARN_STEP": 1,  # Learning frequency
    "TAU": 0.005,  # For soft update of target parameters
    # Swap image channels dimension from last to first [H, W, C] -> [C, H, W]
    "CHANNELS_LAST": False,  # Use with RGB states
    "EPISODES": 1000,  # Number of episodes to train for
    "EVO_EPOCHS": 20,  # Evolution frequency, i.e. evolve after every 20 episodes
    "TARGET_SCORE": 200.0,  # Target score that will beat the environment
    "EVO_LOOP": 3,  # Number of evaluation episodes
    "MAX_STEPS": 500,  # Maximum number of steps an agent takes in an environment
    "TOURN_SIZE": 2,  # Tournament size
    "ELITISM": True,  # Elitism in tournament selection

# Mutation parameters
MUT_P = {
    # Mutation probabilities
    "NO_MUT": 0.4,  # No mutation
    "ARCH_MUT": 0.2,  # Architecture mutation
    "NEW_LAYER": 0.2,  # New layer mutation
    "PARAMS_MUT": 0.2,  # Network parameters mutation
    "ACT_MUT": 0.2,  # Activation layer mutation
    "RL_HP_MUT": 0.2,  # Learning HP mutation
    "RL_HP_SELECTION": ["lr", "batch_size"],  # Learning HPs to choose from
    "MUT_SD": 0.1,  # Mutation strength
    "RAND_SEED": 42,  # Random seed
    # Define max and min limits for mutating RL hyperparams
    "MIN_LR": 0.0001,
    "MAX_LR": 0.01,
    "MIN_BATCH_SIZE": 8,
    "MAX_BATCH_SIZE": 1024,

Create the Environment#

In this particular tutorial, we will be focussing on the continuous lunar lander environment as TD3 can only be used with continuous action environments. The snippet below creates a vectorised environment and then assigns the correct values for state_dim and one_hot, depending on whether the observation space is discrete or continuous.

env = makeVectEnvs("LunarLanderContinuous-v2", num_envs=8)  # Create environment
    state_dim = env.single_observation_space.n  # Discrete observation space
    one_hot = True  # Requires one-hot encoding
except Exception:
    state_dim = env.single_observation_space.shape  # Continuous observation space
    one_hot = False  # Does not require one-hot encoding
    action_dim = env.single_action_space.n  # Discrete action space
except Exception:
    action_dim = env.single_action_space.shape[0]  # Continuous action space

INIT_HP["MAX_ACTION"] = float(env.single_action_space.high[0])
INIT_HP["MIN_ACTION"] = float(env.single_action_space.low[0])

]:  # Adjusts dimensions to be in accordance with PyTorch API (C, H, W), used with envs with RGB image states
    state_dim = (state_dim[2], state_dim[0], state_dim[1])

Create a Population of Agents#

To perform evolutionary HPO, we require a population of agents. Individuals in this population will share experiences but learn individually, allowing us to determine the efficacy of certain hyperparameters. Individuals that learn best are more likely to survive until the next generation, and so their hyperparameters are more likely to remain present in the population. The sequence of evolution (tournament selection followed by mutation) is detailed further below.

# Set-up the device
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

# Define the network configuration of a simple mlp with two hidden layers, each with 64 nodes
net_config = {"arch": "mlp", "h_size": [64, 64]}

# Define a population
pop = initialPopulation(
    algo="TD3",  # Algorithm
    state_dim=state_dim,  # State dimension
    action_dim=action_dim,  # Action dimension
    one_hot=one_hot,  # One-hot encoding
    net_config=net_config,  # Network configuration
    INIT_HP=INIT_HP,  # Initial hyperparameters
    population_size=INIT_HP["POP_SIZE"],  # Population size

Experience Replay#

In order to efficiently train a population of RL agents, off-policy algorithms are able to share memory within populations. This reduces the exploration needed by an individual agent because it allows faster learning from the behaviour of other agents. For example, if you were able to watch a bunch of people attempt to solve a maze, you could learn from their mistakes and successes without necessarily having to explore the entire maze yourself.

The object used to store experiences collected by agents in the environment is called the Experience Replay Buffer, and is defined by the class ReplayBuffer(). During training it can be added to using the ReplayBuffer.save2memory() function, or ReplayBuffer.save2memoryVectEnvs() for vectorized environments (recommended). To sample from the replay buffer, call ReplayBuffer.sample().

field_names = ["state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "terminated"]
memory = ReplayBuffer(
    action_dim=action_dim,  # Number of agent actions
    memory_size=10_000,  # Max replay buffer size
    field_names=field_names,  # Field names to store in memory

Creating Mutations and Tournament objects#

Tournament selection is used to select the agents from a population which will make up the next generation of agents. If elitism is used, the best agent from a population is automatically preserved and becomes a member of the next generation. Then, for each tournament, k individuals are randomly chosen, and the agent with the best evaluation fitness is preserved. This is repeated until the population for the next generation is full.

The class TournamentSelection() defines the functions required for tournament selection. returns the best agent, and the new generation of agents.

tournament = TournamentSelection(

Mutation is periodically used to explore the hyperparameter space, allowing different hyperparameter combinations to be trialled during training. If certain hyperparameters prove relatively beneficial to training, then that agent is more likely to be preserved in the next generation, and so those characteristics are more likely to remain in the population.

The Mutations() class is used to mutate agents with pre-set probabilities. The available mutations currently implemented are:

  • No mutation

  • Network architecture mutation - adding layers or nodes. Trained weights are reused and new weights are initialized randomly.

  • Network parameters mutation - mutating weights with Gaussian noise.

  • Network activation layer mutation - change of activation layer.

  • RL algorithm mutation - mutation of learning hyperparameter, such as learning rate or batch size.

Mutations.mutation() returns a mutated population. Tournament selection and mutation should be applied sequentially to fully evolve a population between evaluation and learning cycles.

mutations = Mutations(

Training and Saving an Agent#

Using AgileRL train function#

The simplest way to train an AgileRL agent is to use one of the implemented AgileRL train functions. Given that TD3 is an off-policy algorithm, we can make use of the train function. This training function will orchestrate the training and hyperparameter optimisation process, removing the the need to implement a custom training loop. It will return a trained population, as well as the associated fitnesses (fitness is each agents test scores on the environment).

trained_pop, pop_fitnesses = train(
    wb=False,  # Boolean flag to record run with Weights & Biases
    save_elite=True,  # Boolean flag to save the elite agent in the population

Using a custom training loop#

If we wanted to have more control over the training process, it is also possible to write our own custom training loops to train our agents. The training loop below can be used alternatively to the above train function and is an example of how we might choose to make use of a population of AgileRL agents in our own training loop.

eps_end = 0.1
epsilon = 1.0
eps_decay = 0.995
total_steps = 0
elite = pop[0]  # Elite member placeholder

for episode in trange(INIT_HP["EPISODES"]):
    for agent in pop:  # Loop through population
        state = env.reset()[0]  # Reset environment at start of episode
        rewards, terminations, truncs = [], [], []
        score = 0
        for idx_step in range(INIT_HP["MAX_STEPS"]):
            if INIT_HP["CHANNELS_LAST"]:
                state = np.moveaxis(state, [-1], [-3])
            # Get next action from agent
            action = agent.getAction(state)
            next_state, reward, done, trunc, _ = env.step(action)  # Act in environment

            if INIT_HP["CHANNELS_LAST"]:
                    np.moveaxis(next_state, [-1], [-3]),

            # Learn according to learning frequency
            if (
                memory.counter % agent.learn_step == 0
                and len(memory) >= agent.batch_size
                # Sample replay buffer
                # Learn according to agent's RL algorithm

                experiences = memory.sample(agent.batch_size)

            state = next_state

        scores = calculate_vectorized_scores(
            np.array(rewards).transpose((1, 0)),
            np.array(terminations).transpose((1, 0)),
        score = np.mean(scores)


        agent.steps[-1] += INIT_HP["MAX_STEPS"]
        total_steps += INIT_HP["MAX_STEPS"]

    # Update epsilon for exploration
    epsilon = max(eps_end, epsilon * eps_decay)
    # Now evolve population if necessary
    if (episode + 1) % INIT_HP["EVO_EPOCHS"] == 0:
        # Evaluate population
        fitnesses = [
            for agent in pop

        fitness = ["%.2f" % fitness for fitness in fitnesses]
        avg_fitness = ["%.2f" % np.mean([-100:]) for agent in pop]
        avg_score = ["%.2f" % np.mean(agent.scores[-100:]) for agent in pop]
        agents = [agent.index for agent in pop]
        num_steps = [agent.steps[-1] for agent in pop]
        muts = [agent.mut for agent in pop]

                --- Epoch {episode + 1} ---
                100 fitness avgs:\t{avg_fitness}
                100 score avgs:\t{avg_score}

        # Tournament selection and population mutation
        elite, pop =
        pop = mutations.mutation(pop)

# Save the trained algorithm
save_path = ""

Loading an Agent for Inference and Rendering your Solved Environment#

Once we have trained and saved an agent, we may want to then use our trained agent for inference. Below outlines how we would load a saved agent and how it can then be used in a testing loop.

Load agent#

td3 = TD3.loadCheckpoint(save_path, device=device)

Test loop for inference#

test_env = gym.make("LunarLanderContinuous-v2", render_mode="rgb_array")
rewards = []
frames = []
testing_eps = 7
with torch.no_grad():
    for ep in range(testing_eps):
        state = test_env.reset()[0]  # Reset environment at start of episode
        score = 0

        for step in range(INIT_HP["MAX_STEPS"]):
            # If your state is an RGB image
            if INIT_HP["CHANNELS_LAST"]:
                state = np.moveaxis(state, [-1], [-3])

            # Get next action from agent
            action, *_ = td3.getAction(state)

            # Save the frame for this step and append to frames list
            frame = test_env.render()

            # Take the action in the environment
            state, reward, terminated, truncated, _ = test_env.step(
            )  # Act in environment

            # Collect the score
            score += reward

            # Break if environment 0 is done or truncated
            if terminated or truncated:

        # Collect and print episodic reward
        print("-" * 15, f"Episode: {ep}", "-" * 15)
        print("Episodic Reward: ", rewards[-1])



Save test episosdes as a gif#

frames = frames[::3]
gif_path = "./videos/"
os.makedirs(gif_path, exist_ok=True)
    os.path.join("./videos/", "td3_lunar_lander.gif"), frames, duration=50, loop=0
mean_fitness = np.mean(rewards)